Political Test from Advocates for Self-Government
LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net" to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations, defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles. The RED DOT on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.
Your PERSONAL issues Score is 80%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 30%.
Classic IQ Test
Your IQ score is 135.
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.
Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results. Click here to see the complete IQ report.
Values Test
Your values help make you a Gentle Protector.
You're one of those rare people who'll typically go out of your way to protect the vulnerable from harm. You also appear to be more personally concerned about situations that violate innocents' rights than many people are. This kind of empathy, coupled with your ordinarily giving nature, can make you a real crusader for the underdog. Interestingly enough, it seems your care for other living things goes beyond your fellow humans. As a result, it's likely that you count yourself as a friend and protector of the earth around you, as well.
The Identity Test
You're an Extraversion High!
This test is a short version of the Five Factor model of identity. Among psychology experts, this approach has become broadly accepted for its accuracy and consistency. The five dimensions in this model give a complete description of your personality traits: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Negative Emotionality. Click here to see the scores and understand what they mean.
Color Test
You're feeling Intuitive.
For centuries, colors have been known for their energizing, calming and empowering qualities. In schools of psychology, a leading color theory suggests that your color preferences can also indicate what's on your subconscious mind. From your choices, here's what we found out about you. Like other people who choose Violet first, you might pick up on things before they're evident to others. The fact that you chose Violet first also indicates that others probably trust your perceptions and rely on your great instincts.
How rare is this color choice? 20% test takers also chose Violet first, but less than 0.10% of test-takers share your exact 8-color sequence.