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The Identity Test
Pat, you're an Extraversion High!

Openness To Experience | Conscientiousness | Extraversion
Agreeableness | Negative Emotionality

The test you've just taken is a short version of the Five Factor model of identity. Among psychology experts, this approach has become broadly accepted for its accuracy and consistency. The five dimensions in this model give a complete description of your personality traits: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Negative Emotionality. Read below to see your scores and understand what they mean.

less curious more curious

Openness To Experience

Your high score in the Openness category means that you probably have a strong creative streak. Your broad intellectual curiosity and your interest in the various arts set you apart. Some people may consider you somewhat of a dreamer, and your taste for variety often means moving quickly on to the next experience. This tendency makes you appear a bit flighty and inconsistent. But these elements of your personality simply reflect a character full of new ideas and charged with emotions.

less focused more focused


Your medium score in the Conscientiousness category means that you have achieved a solid balance in your outlook towards responsibility. You are probably somewhat organized, with a little room for improvement. Your priorities probably reflect a mix of work and play. Thoughtfulness characterizes your thinking style, so you give gravity to important decisions without making a big deal out of minor issues. You are probably serious about achieving success, but do not feel completely driven by this motivation. All in all, you've got a very healthy perspective on work and duty.

less extraverted more extraverted


Your high score in the Extraversion category defines your social identity. You probably feel very comfortable with a large number of people, and enjoy spending your time with them. In fact, chances are that you'd prefer to be among people than by yourself. Isolation can feel like punishment. Your vigorous and active style of interaction makes you an excellent leader. Equally, you can be a very warm friend. You probably are someone who enjoys excitement and looks for thrills where you can find them. Your cheerful exuberance means that you are probably quite popular in your social circle.

less adaptive more adaptive


The Agreeableness category refers to your social disposition. Your high score indicates your tendency to forego your own desires for the sake of others - sometimes to a fault. You are probably known as a kind and modest person who is willing to overlook your own needs for the interest of the group. You believe in creating harmony among people, to the point where you can sometimes act a bit dependent. With your straightforward style of communication and your sentimental nature, this isn't hard for you. You tend to see the world by the light you cast - as honest and genuine.

less reactive more reactive

Negative Emotionality

Negative Emotionality scale refers to your emotional reactivity. Your low score implies that you generally resist the influence of what's going on around you. Confronted by situations that most people would find upsetting, you'll often remain calm and rational. For example, strong feelings of embarrassment, sadness, stress or anger are emotions that may not arise too often within you. Instead, you seem to resolve these issues with a minimum of difficulty. Your personality is best characterized as cool and levelheaded.

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