Pat's Brief Biography

Whatever we write there is something about ourselves that gets written. What better place to start than to write a bit about myself.

The Early Years

I was born in the fall of 1967 in the growing city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I went to kindergarden in Roswell before moving back to Albquerque. After living in Alamogordo for a few years before I moved again and graduated from Roswell High.

A Great Education

I left the nest when I went to college, flying off to Ripon College in Ripon, Wisconsin. I majored in both biology and history and received a superior education while enjoying myself as a member of the Epsilon Lambda Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. Not knowing what I wanted to do next, I matriculated at the law school of the University of New Mexico. After earning my law degree I opened my own law office. While I was doing quite well with the help of a terrific mentor, I did not find the practice of law very fulfilling - I yearned for a change.

I began taking classes to learn more about the technical aspects of environmental issues while trying garner a few water law cases. Soon, however, my studies became full time and I dropped my law practice all together. I enrolled in the masters program in the University of New Mexico's Geology Department.

Then There Was Now

I met Pattie a few years back. Around that same time I discovered a love of teaching at UNM. I got a job teaching math and so dropped the goal of a masters degree. I also started a business, the Rio Grande College of Pharmacy with a couple other folks. And I musn't forget to mention my dog Rocky. Pattie and I love to work on our house, garden, and cook.

So that's pretty much the brief bio. My life now-a-days revolves around hanging out with Pattie, working at Menaul School and my business, and home and garden projects. Of course, there is still time for an occasional adventure. I also enjoy taking internet tests to see what cold algorithms make of me.