Pat's Group First Aid Kit
Once again, you've got to know how to use the things you have in your kit. Do not make matters worse by 'thinking' you know first aid when you don't.
A few of the items listed here overlap with some survival-type items. These are here because I generally keep them with my first aid kit and I use this as my check list when I'm packing. Their presence here makes sence though, since first aid emergencies in the field can easily turn into survival situations - or at least an unplanned, cold night out. A basic survival kit should always be along as well as your first aid kit.
Personal Protection
- Vinyl Gloves
- Pocket Mask or Mouth Barrier
Sanitary Supplies
- Povidone Iodine
- Alcohol Swabs
- Antibiotic Ointment
Wound Management
- Sterile Dressings and Guaze Rolls
- Adhesive Bandages
- Butterfly Closures
Injury Immobilization
- Triangular Bandages
- Elastic Wraps
- Adhesive Tape
- Safety Pins
- Splint
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Acetaminophen
- Antihistamine
- Decongestant
- Antacid
- Cough Drops
- Anti-diarrheal
- Laxative
Miscellaneous Topical
- Calamine Lotion
- Hydrocortizone Cream
- Cold Pack
- Tweezers
- Thermometer
- Shears
- Emergency Blanket