Pat's House Projects
Northeast Corner of Back Yard
Building a Fence
July & Sept 2004
After studying the proper methods for a month or so, I felt I was ready to build the fence. We ordered our fencing then scheduled our work activities for the weekend it was to arrive. I rented a one-man auger and drilled some post holes in early July. I cleaned these out the next day and loaded them up with gravel, posts, and cement.
Naturally, the fencing was late arriving and we had to wait to install it. When it did arrive, there was lots of damaged goods.
We kept the fencing at a discount and waterproofed it the following day.
After letting this dry we were able to finally install the fence.
By now it was late July and I couldn't work on it much in August. I'm out of town for much of August and September, but I finally find a weekend to prime and paint the fence in mid September.
Now the fence is complete and it looks great!